Infection Control Measures
Lukin Family Dentistry has taken significant steps to ensure your safety while in our office. In order to eliminate any concerns you may have about coming to your appointment, we have implemented the following additional precautions:
Extra Precautions Being Taken (in addition to Universal Precautions)
- Mandatory masking for all employees and patients while in common areas
- Screening for all patients when they call for an appointment to identify possible symptoms or risk exposure
- Screening all patients upon arrival with temperature checks and exposure questionnaire
- All staff wearing CDC recommended personal protective equipment while providing patient care
- Temperature checks for all staff each day
- Reconfiguring our check in procedures to support social distancing
- Performing extensive sanitation processes throughout the day to disinfect common surfaces
- Surgically Clean Air HEPA filtration for office air purification
- UV purifiers in each AC air duct Plexiglass barrier at the front desk for patient/staff protection
- Isovac (HVAC) adapters for each operatory to be used for each patient to reduce aerosols
Adding the Surgically Clean Air System to the office provides protection and clear peace of mind. This system has superior air cleaning through sophisticated filtration systems, high volume airflow capacity and lower sound levels . The Surgically Clean Air System doesn’t just filter pollutants in the air, it destroys it.

Your overall health and your oral health have the of the upmost importance here at Lukin Family Dentistry! Having routine cleanings can help reduce the bacteria in your mouth and routine screenings from Dr. Mark or Dr. Steve can help with addressing issues before they become a problem. We are looking forward to seeing you and your family when you are comfortable.